Articles & Videos

What did Ellen White say about Adventist communities?

Should Adventists live together in communities? Is this the will of God? What about selling parcels of the land which is next door to an Adventist project to fellow Adventists in order to finance the project? This article is a compilation of quotations from Ellen White concerning Adventist communities. In summary she writes, "The light given over and over again by the Spirit of God is, Do not colonize..."

What did Ellen White say about Adventist communities?2018-08-22T03:14:22-05:00

A New Life in Christ

There are some things in the Gospel that we need clarified. I think that many of us could testify that something is missing from our life. Many of us try so hard to be ready for Jesus' second coming, but if we are honest, we do not know how we are ever going to be ready. And so it is my prayer that our contemplation will help you. It is actually the answer that we all need...

A New Life in Christ2018-03-10T07:10:48-06:00

RBF Series – 12 – The Eternal Realities of Christ’s Sacrifice

No. 12 - The Eternal Realities of Christ's Sacrifice When I first began to discover the things that I have been sharing with you, especially the beautiful truth of Christ's personal union with me, there was a little problem in my mind that I kept running into. I struggled to get past the thought that [...]

RBF Series – 12 – The Eternal Realities of Christ’s Sacrifice2017-12-30T22:16:40-06:00

RBF Series – 11 – Salvation Through Christ – PART 2

No. 11 - Salvation Through Christ - PART 2 We have just seen how close Jesus came to US - He became one with us. His name is Emmanuel, God with US. God the Father is the God component in that name, and Jesus Christ is the US component. So closely is He united to [...]

RBF Series – 11 – Salvation Through Christ – PART 22018-11-13T06:18:28-06:00

RBF Series – 10 – Salvation Through Christ – PART 1

Now, so far in these presentations we have come to understand what we could call the “fundamentals” of righteousness by faith. A simple summary would be that we can't, God must, and so He has given us His word and through His word, He will bring His own righteousness – His own right-doing - into our practical lives. Now, what we want to understand from here on, is what Jesus Christ has to do with all of this...

RBF Series – 10 – Salvation Through Christ – PART 12018-01-21T06:24:23-06:00

RBF Series – 09 – The Acceptable Time

So far in our series we have been learning that we cannot do anything right. All of our own good best works are as filthy rags. Because of our sinful condition, our works are contaminated, no matter how good and perfect they may be. And so God has promised that He will give us His own perfect works - He will work obedience in us. But we must have a faith that will trust Him to do it. And then, of course, we must LET Him do it.

RBF Series – 09 – The Acceptable Time2017-06-18T11:02:27-05:00

RBF Series – 08 – Supplement for Parents

All parents worry about their children. And so they should. We are living in very uncertain times, and in a time when the attractions of the world are stronger than ever. Many of you will have children who you love very dearly. Some of you have done the best you can with raising your children, but you still see them going in the wrong direction. Some of you will have become Christians later in life and you now repent and regret the way that you brought up your children. Some of you have been too strict on your children with your principles, and now they are in rebellion. And some may have neglected their duties altogether.

RBF Series – 08 – Supplement for Parents2017-06-18T11:08:35-05:00

RBF Series – 07 – Practical Faith

It is my prayer that through these presentations, God is giving you the answers that you have been needing. So many of us stress about our salvation. We can see that this world is rapidly descending into a time of terrible trouble and we know that we need to be ready for Jesus to come, but we don't know HOW to be ready. And this was my problem for many years. I spent some years in a more liberal way of life, taking the grace of God for granted, and some years in the legalistic way, trying to save myself by my own good works. I could never find the meaning of faith AND works in my life. It always seemed to be either faith OR works. I was never told that works come to me by faith - that it is God who must do the works, and it is through faith that God's works will become a practical reality in my life.

RBF Series – 07 – Practical Faith2017-08-09T05:22:20-05:00

RBF Series – 06 – How the Word Worked in the Life of Christ

For a number of years there were some parts of God's word that I couldn't read. It was too painful because I had tried to do what it said, but I couldn't do it, and so every time I read it, I felt that it was condemning me. But now I have no problems reading it, because now I know that when I am reading that word, THAT WORD ITSELF will do what it says - it is not for me to do it!

RBF Series – 06 – How the Word Worked in the Life of Christ2017-06-18T11:03:59-05:00

RBF Series – 05 – Faith Defined Simply

I spent so much of my life trying to work out what faith is. In fact, faith was such an incomprehensible thing to me that I didn't even know how to put my questions about faith into words! I was so grateful to God when I found the answer. And I pray you will be grateful to Him also when you find the answer.

RBF Series – 05 – Faith Defined Simply2017-06-18T11:04:18-05:00

RBF Series – 03 – A Powerful Illustration

We have been learning that there is nothing that we can do right. Our own works are not good enough to satisfy the claims of the law. But God knows this and so He has promised to do all of the works for us. He is waiting for us to admit that we cannot do anything right and to ask Him to do it for us.

RBF Series – 03 – A Powerful Illustration2018-03-08T21:06:39-06:00

RBF Series – 02 – What the Law Really Wants

Did you find things in our last study a little interesting? Maybe it did for you what it did for me – it set me free. You see, I spent most of my life trying and trying to do things right. I tried so hard to be perfect, but all I ever seemed to experience was disappointment and condemnation. I was looking in the wrong place for a perfection that the law will be happy with.

RBF Series – 02 – What the Law Really Wants2018-03-08T16:01:20-06:00

PREVIEW TRANSCRIPT – Supplement for Parents

I was hoping to have begun recording and uploading a new video series by now, but there's been delay after delay. But the transcript for an extra supplemental study I was going to slot in after a few studies on faith is just too encouraging for me to keep it to myself and wait until [...]

PREVIEW TRANSCRIPT – Supplement for Parents2016-12-26T04:47:14-06:00

PREVIEW TRANSCRIPT – “The Acceptable Time”

I am currently preparing to record a new video series where I will be taking the key thoughts from my seminar series and expanding on them in a new presentation individually. I was just writing out the transcript for Presentation No. 9 and the Lord's message in this transcript is so precious and full of [...]

PREVIEW TRANSCRIPT – “The Acceptable Time”2016-12-26T04:47:15-06:00

Finding Jesus in the Darkness / Jesus en la Oscuridad

A message of hope and comfort for those confused by life's trials; for those who think that God has left them. ESP: Un mensaje de esperanza y comfortamiento para aquellos que estan confundidos por las luchas de la vida; y aquellos que piensan que Dios los a abandonados. 11th June 2016, Oaxaca, Mexico. Con traduccion [...]

Finding Jesus in the Darkness / Jesus en la Oscuridad2016-12-26T04:47:15-06:00

His Life or Mine – What the Sabbath test REALLY is

Many Seventh-day Adventist are waiting for a grand test on the day of the week in which God is to be worshiped. Sadly, many of those who are waiting for that time, unknown to them, are preparing themselves to receive the mark of the beast. The Sabbath test is not simply about which day of [...]

His Life or Mine – What the Sabbath test REALLY is2016-12-26T04:47:15-06:00

The Judgments of God

God is not a harsh, vengeful judge, waiting to punish us for our sins.  He is "ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness" (Nehemiah 9:17). He says, "I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, [...]

The Judgments of God2016-12-26T04:47:15-06:00
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